Article AI Generator

Refund Policy for Article AI Generator

At Article AI Generator, we strive to provide the best service and ensure our technology serves you without any glitches. We understand there might be some issues occasionally, and we're here to help.

Refund Eligibility

  • Technical Concerns: We only accept refund requests that are based on technical issues like errors in article generation. If our system failed to generate an article due to some technical glitches, we've got you covered!
  • Non-Technical Concerns: Refund requests will NOT be entertained if you are not satisfied with the content produced or if you decide not to continue using our service after an article has been generated.

Refund Method

In case of a legitimate refund request due to technical concerns, we will NOT be returning the payment directly. Instead, we will credit the respective amount back to your account in the form of credits, which can be utilized for future article generation.

Pricing Guide

  • Medium Length Article: Approximately 2500+ words costing 1 credit or $0.20.
  • Long Article: Consists of 3500+ Words Each Article and costs 2 credits or about $0.35.

If you have any questions or concerns about this policy or need assistance with your account, please contact our support team.

Thank you for choosing Article AI Generator!

Congrats! Your Article is now being generated

You can generate a single article again while waiting for this to be completed.


You may also generate bulk articles.


Your Article is now being generated.

Each article may take up to 1 minute for medium length or up to 2 minutes for long.
When generating Bulk Articles, this will happen simultaneously.
It will be in your Wordpress site if you have chosen it to be automatically posted.

You can go to your Generated Article page and check the status.

Congrats! Your Featured Images are now being generated

You can begin updating new batch.


Each image may take up to 1 minute to generate.
This will automatically update your WordPress post once completed.

Congrats! Your Image is now being generated

Please wait... It won't take long...

You Article is being Processed

Please wait while we are humanizing / reposting your Article...